Transforming the roofing industry


Reflections Of A Rackley Roofing Employee: Roger White

Reflections of a Rackley Roofing Employee: Roger White

Reflections Of A Rackley Roofing Employee: Roger White

Prospective customers can gain insight into a company by learning more about the company’s employees. We’d like to introduce you to a Rackley Roofing employee, Roger White, our Key Customer Manager. Roger maintains an outlook that makes each new day an opportunity to deliver on Rackley’s mission: impeccable customer service, thorough documentation and safety above all else. 


A company’s culture can attract employees and pay off for customers. Roger has faced plenty of personal adversity in his family, but his work family at Rackley Roofing has helped him persevere. His coworkers and the company culture attracted him to the job. 

In quick succession, Roger saw his father succumb to a lengthy illness, his sister fall to cancer, his aunt pass on, and his wife lose her job. His son sustained a paralyzing sports injury. 

And yet, Roger keeps his head up, looks to a bright future as a Rackley Roofing employee, and works every day to offer brighter days to others. He knows the company treats its employees right. He plans to “finish strong” in his career with Rackley Roofing in another 14 years. 

The company’s commitment to a set of core values helps employees like Roger stand firm against life’s ups and downs.

Core Values

We are proud of our mission statement, even if some may scoff. We are undistracted in our dedication to our mission: 

  • The mission of Rackley Roofing is to transform the roofing industry by our unmatched customer service, documentation, and safety.

We back up that mission through our six core values. These values flow through everything we plan and do, from excellent customer service to treating employees like Roger like family: 

  1. Humble
  2. Hungry
  3. Smart
  4. Innovative
  5. Accountable
  6. Customer-Focused

Each of these core values points right to serving customers best. Humility helps keep us working as a team to fulfill customer needs. Hunger drives us to work a bit better, faster, longer to get the job done. 

Being smart means communicating intelligently to team members and to clients. We innovate to embrace change that improves lives and customer results. Being accountable keeps customers returning. Staying focused on customers helps us show respect and the utmost care they deserve. 

At Rackley Roofing, we treat our customers and employees right. Rackley Roofing’s mission is to transform the roofing industry with unmatched customer service, documentation, and safety. Please contact us today to learn how our customers benefit from our daily affirmations of our core values.

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